
Thursday, 3 September 2020


Answer the following questions in a different colour text.
  1. What is a planetarium? Its a circle room that looks
  2. like you are in space.
  3. Why was the room shaped like a circle?to look like
  4. your in space or on a planet.
  5. Why was the teacher at the planetarium? To show the
  6. people the planets and stars.
  7. Why is it usually hard to see stars at night in a city?
  8. Because its too big and tall and hard to see from there.
  9. What are stars made of? Hot gas in space.
  10. Would the surface of Mars be wet or dry? It is wet or dry but wet.
  11. What did the second planet look like? It was Jupiter and
  12. it looked like sand was there and was dry.
  13. Did Sophie see real stars and planets? I don,t know because
  14. they were there and in real life might be.
  15. Why did Sophie want her cousin to go to the planetarium?
  16. To see how it was and how cool it was when they were like
  17. in space.

Create Task:

Task Description: hello and this is my planetarium work that i did all about a planetarium and its like a circle room and it is. hope leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed seeing everything you have learnt about the planetarium. You create task has lots of really good information included. Have you every visited a planetarium in the past? Did you go to the Stardome with us in Year 4?
