
Thursday, 24 September 2020

Sign Language

Task Description: this is me saying Aotearoa in sign language and this is me doing it and my class is doing                                                        it to for our work to put in our turn in sheet.

Friday, 18 September 2020

Tuvalu Post

Hello and Today we went to the hall to see

to people that came from Tuvalu and  we were

so lucky to see

these people that were from Tuvalu and how

it was like when they

were born from there  and raised from there

and we are so lucky

because they told  us about Tuvalu and at Tuvalu

and about

there time there they taught us how to dance like

Tuvalu people

and i really like bought dances with boys and girls

because we

all look cool in it and it's so great to have to people

from Tuvalu

teaching us about the dances and others. They

told us about the

mats and the others and I know some of the

names of

the stuff they bring to school. Foa is like

a hat From Tuvalu

Ti ti toa is a thing they wear around their

waist and there's another

one that's like it but with colours.

They were teaching us to talk

and sing like Tuvalu and their language like

Them and it was

so fun with them there and i really had fun

and enjoyed it in the

hall with them. It was fun with them there

and then teaching

and listening to them while they do it and

we do it after them.

I really enjoyed it with them teaching 

and us just having a great time.

I hope they keep it on and teach others too

and I hope they

come back next year when we are in year 8s

and remembering

about it. I was happy to learn about the

Dancing from them and teaching us and helping

us out.

Task Description: Hello and today me and my class and

Rm 5 and 4 went to the hall and met and learnt with 2



were From Tuvalu.

And this is me and my class with Rm 5 and 4 Dancing.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Keywords about Principles.

Task Description: today this is Keywords about Principles and about there material and how they made it.


Wednesday, 16 September 2020



Task Description: Hello and hi and here,s a map that follows a set of instructions read out by our teacher. here and 3 things i learned about oral language first listen second be on time and third be a good participator. 

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Level 3


Task Description: this is my Level 3 work about the Amazing polyfest.

Monday, 14 September 2020

Level 2 Finding Fractions of a Whole


Task Description: this is my Level 2 Finding Fractions of a Whole in my work.

Friday Family


Last friday we had  a person that came to our class and talk  about a Family but its a fake and here are the character .








Friday family but its a thing that the person acted like and

she acted

like all the people in that fake friday family after we were


that person that was a  acting like people in a Family but a

fake one

she acted like the mother the mother was like angry and the


husband  she dumped him  and a new person came to the house


his name is Brian/tag and the old husband is David/beanie she


like  on the last person then she was was finish and  was done


with all the people that she was acting like. with the person


came and told us about the game then when a boy said a speich


said thank you for coming   we said bye then she left and after


was gone we went out to lunch and played around and she said


might come back or will come back next  Friday.

Task Description: today this is my writing about Friday Family and a person that acted like a Family.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

tongan facts

Hello and Kia ora and today i am writing about tongan facts and the people that represent their country when they play sport and why it's important to them to support their country and why they are supporting their country its because they are helping out with beginners and helping them out to get better and faster like them so that's one things about what they are doing. Next. when they play they pass the ball sometimes to their teammates and to the people on the other side whenever they lose they get angry but they know now sometimes that they all are winners and no one loses so the ones that lost they win too with the winners so they all win and be happy so when they all win they don't fight and be angry. Tongan facts. Next. they support their family and country because they were born from there they wanna support them and there all brothers even they are all not family sometimes they fight but while there growing up they are still gonna be winners and be happy the same way less then being bad to others and hurting them. Next. tongan facts. Tongan players that play rugby and support their country is because they sometimes wanna be there for them and help out and hear them cheering them on and whining but they still know that they are all winners not losers so the other team doesn’t feel mad and angry and the other team that won so they all won.
Task Description: Hello and today this is what i wrote about tongan facts hope you leave a comment.

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Icky sticky spider web

Answer the following questions in a different colour text.
  1. Why did Sam tiptoe when he went outside to get Dad’s
  2. newspaper? I don't know but he might be scared of
  3. something on the ground
  4. What was stuck in Sam’s hair and eyes? There were

  5. spider webs in his  hair and eyes.
  6. Why couldn’t Sam get rid of the spider’s
  7. web? Because they were too much
  8. and too sticky to get out of his hair and eyes.
  9. What made the spider’s web look beautiful?
  10. When it is in the sun it looks so nice and
  11. shiny in the morning but at night sometimes you can't see it.
  12. Why are these spider webs sticky? Because
  13. it has heaps of it inside of it when it's about to have babies.
  14. How did Jackie know so much about these

  15. spiders? Because she has a book about spiders.
  16. What did Jackie tell Sam that made him feel even
  17. more anxious? About that the spiders make webs
  18. to kill insects for them so they can eat them.
  19. Why didn’t Sam find the spider or egg sacs in the
  20. bushes and trees? Because they hatch them somewhere
  21. else and then go to another spot to get food for them and the big spiders.
  22. Why do spider eggs hatch in spring? Because the mothers
  23. or dads die then the babies hatch then grow then have
  24. babies then like that.

Task Description: today i did this work sheet about a boy that
got stuck in spider webs and the book was called icky sticky
spider webs. hope you leave a comment.


Answer the following questions in a different colour text.
  1. What is a planetarium? Its a circle room that looks
  2. like you are in space.
  3. Why was the room shaped like a circle?to look like
  4. your in space or on a planet.
  5. Why was the teacher at the planetarium? To show the
  6. people the planets and stars.
  7. Why is it usually hard to see stars at night in a city?
  8. Because its too big and tall and hard to see from there.
  9. What are stars made of? Hot gas in space.
  10. Would the surface of Mars be wet or dry? It is wet or dry but wet.
  11. What did the second planet look like? It was Jupiter and
  12. it looked like sand was there and was dry.
  13. Did Sophie see real stars and planets? I don,t know because
  14. they were there and in real life might be.
  15. Why did Sophie want her cousin to go to the planetarium?
  16. To see how it was and how cool it was when they were like
  17. in space.

Create Task:

Task Description: hello and this is my planetarium work that i did all about a planetarium and its like a circle room and it is. hope leave a comment.

Taha tinana

Task Desciption: today this is taha tinana and im doing fitness and getting fit in class here is a video. hope you injoy.

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Oral language activity

Task Description: today we had to listen to Mrs tele'a read out instructions while we listened labelled and draw.


Task Desciption: Today this is my Compound sentences hope you like it.

Taha Hinengaro level 3


Task Description: today this is the Taha Hinengaro work that i did and
its about like helping out and being safe.

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Taha Whanau

Task Description: today this is taha whanau and this is my hole family in the boxs and nere the boxs.