Friday, 28 May 2021
Monday, 24 May 2021
Kauaeranga christain leadership camp
Hi my name is Francis and today im going to tell what i did on my Y8 leadership camp and how much fun we had there lets begin.
Wednesday was the day we first went to our leadership camp. while we were all on the bus we were all laughing and talking alot we were having alot off chater on the bus until we got there when we were looking from the inside off the bus the whole camp looked small but when you get outside off the bus its actually a huge camp. when we got off the bus most off us boys took the bags off the bus and some didn't when the buses left All off the Y8s went into the hall
Monday, 10 May 2021
Noa'ia from rotuma! Rotuman Laguage week
Noa’ia! That’s hello in the Rotuman language. My information report today will share with you some important facts about Rotuman.
Rotuma is located in the Southern hemisphere. Rotuma
is surrounded by 4 or 3 islands first Tuvalu second Samoa
third Fiji and last Forth is Vanuatu those are the islands surrounding Rotuma.
In Rotuma The total population of less than 2000 people. There are more
off Them located in fiji. There is a chance that this
is due to more opportunities
for work and education
The languages spoken on Rotuma are english and Rotuman.
But Sadly the Rotuman language is classified as endangered.
Over 15,000 speakers in Rotuman language in the world.
The Rotuman language is a different language to us because
its a different island and different people like its like i wanna be
able to have there language and like talk in there language and
i hope we all learn to talk in our own languages like samoa tonga vanuatu
and others.
Tuesday, 4 May 2021
Watch this Space