
Monday, 26 August 2019

rocky shore habitat

1 . these are the zones of the rocky shore. we had to stick the creatures into the right zones or habitats. there are four zones the splash zone high zone mid zone and the low zone.
2 . top zone only gets water from big waves and the rain. sea gulls snails  fur seals and barnacles are found here as well as some crabs.
3 . like the splash zone only gets water and lots of waves. crabs cushion starfish and limpets can be found here.
4 .this gets uncovered twice a day when there is high tide otherwise it is covered in water. big starfish Chitons and crabs.
5 . always underwater so the creatures that need to always have water live here. sea cucumbers small fish kina sea horses and seaweed  can be found here.

Friday, 16 August 2019

family of facts.

WALT: solve problems using fractions and division.

task description. for this i had to work out the family of facts for some multiplication and division problems. i then had to write a sentence about what each family was showing.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

about me 2019

WALT: write about ourselves on the internet in a cybersmart way

Kia ora my name is francis i ma a year 6 and i go to pt england school. i like it here i like playing with my friends and i
like how people like it around the school so this school is for kids that are good not like bad kids so this school is the
great's school.
Kia ora my name is Francis I am a year 6 and i go to pt england school and i like it here i like playing with my friends and
i like how people like it around the school so this school is for kids that are good not like bad kids so this school is the
great's school.
I enjoy staying with my family at home.
I like playing with my friends at school.
My Favorite thing is games and other stuff.
enjoy staying with my family at home.
I like playing with my friends at school.
My favorite thing is games and other stuff.
I love to play with everybody in my family.

for this task we used a template given to us by miss p arrant to write about our selves.
for the about me section on our blog. we had to think about our different interests,
hobbies and in formation about ourselves in a way that was cyber smart.